Sir David R Washington shares passions such as poetry, blogging, food/health/nutrition, psychology, sociology, gaming, technology, and music. With such a wide range of passions, this affords him the versatility for creative branding and visual execution for a plethora of businesses. In his free time, he loves to listen to music, watch anime, play video games, research technology, read novels and books based on personality structure, sociology, and psychology as a whole. Consuming such media gives him the ability to expand his vision and perceptions to keep creative juices flowing effectively.
Other areas of interest are being an active participant in tech community forums and blog platforms, reviewing tech products for companies, and researching and backing crowdfunding campaigns. Such engagement puts him in the know of modern day and emerging technologies including social medias. This knowledge is used to effectively apply into strategic marketing tactics such as for companies such AXE, Orzly, Nextbit, and more. As a very passionate individual, he loves to engage with individuals about his passions, as well as intellectually stimulating conversations. Sir David R Washington's charm and charisma grants him the power to sell any product or service that he has a passion for to even those with little interest. These interest and experiences has shaped David into an effective advertising and public relations strategist.